Auto-responders allow you to set up automated replies to incoming email for your webmail account. This feature can be useful for confirming the receipt of an email, or for informing senders that you are unavailable for a certain amount of time, such as while on vacation or out of the office for any other reason.
Creating An Automatic Response
1. Sign in to your webmail account.
2. Click Settings, as shown here:
3. In the Settings pane, click Autoresponder, as shown here:
4. Complete the fields in the Autoresponder pane as follows:
- Click to put a checkmark in the box next to Enabled.
- In the Interval field, enter the number of days before the same recipient will receive the auto-response message again. If not specified, the interval defaults to one day.
- Click in the End Date field, and select the date when you want to stop the autoresponse message from being sent.
- In the Autoresponse Text field, type the message you want to be automatically sent in reply to all incoming email messages.
5. Click Save.