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Connecting to Twitter

Now Growth Platform users can sync their Twitter accounts within the application so that when a post is published to your website’s Blog page, it also gets published to your Twitter page, with a link back to your website.

This makes blogging for therapists SO much easier. All you need to do is find the right blog post in our library, schedule it, and your post will be published to both your website’s blog and your social media page(s) automatically, maximizing your exposure and minimizing your workload!

How to connect to Twitter

1. In your browser, open twitter.com and log into your Twitter account.

2. In a new browser tab or window, log in to your Growth Platform account.

3. Click your name in the top right corner of your Growth Platform dashboard and select Settings from the dropdown options that appear, as shown here:

4. You should now be on a page that looks similar to this:

Note: If it does not appear that way for you (with the 3 boxes at the top), please refresh your screen, log out & log back in.

5. Click the blue Connect my Twitter link text in the Twitter box, as shown here:

Note: You may be prompted to allow the Growth Platform permission to access your page. If so, you must click this OK button in order for the accounts to properly sync.

…and voila! Your Growth Platform account should now be synced to your Twitter page.

How it looks when published

Here’s how a post looks when published on your Twitter Feed:

Interested in trying it out?

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If not, just email our Support Team at support@brightervision.com for a 1 month free trial and see how much easier it will make your marketing!

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Updated on May 29, 2019

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